Cold plasma technology on the quality and safety of fruits, vegetables, and derivatives

Jessika Gonçalves dos Santos Aguilar, Luma Rossi Ribeiro


Plant products, such as fruits and vegetables, are highly valued and consumed both fresh and as raw materials in the food processing industry. However, their short shelf life can limit their use, commercialization, and export potential. Countries with high fruit production often face significant post-harvest losses, primarily due to inadequate post-harvest technologies. Therefore, it is necessary to explore new technologies with the potential to modulate fruit and vegetable metabolism, changing their post-harvest quality, reducing microbiological contamination, and extending shelf life with minimal impact on quality and appearance. In this context, cold plasma technology stands out as a non-thermal, cost-effective, and versatile option. It is environmentally friendly, known for its antimicrobial properties, and causes minimal changes to sensory attributes. Cold plasma has been widely recognized in the literature as a promising method for treating fruits and their products, especially juices. This work aims to showcase the potential of cold plasma treatment for fruits and vegetables, covering the stages of ripening and post-harvest quality, and its application in food processing.


cold plasma; ripening process; metabolism; phenolic compounds

DOI: 10.3895/rebrapa.v14n2.16321


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