Lack of information: the main cause for rejection of irradiated foods

Leila Modanez, Edvaldo Luis Rossini, Valter Arthur


The commercial use of irradiated food technology in Brazil has a slow growing due to misinterpretation by most Brazilian consumers, who have been mislead by wrong ideas about the meaning of what is nuclear energy. Researches indicate that consumers have difficult in accepting such a technology due to the confusion between the terms irradiation and radioactivity, which are often related to health risks. When properly informed about the process, its purpose and the benefits offered by food irradiation technology, most consumers react positively. the main objective of this study was to survey on the acceptance of irradiated food in some countries to check for lack of information on the subject in the countries surveyed is primarily responsible for acceptability. The methodology of this study consisted of a systematic survey of the specific literature. According to the researched bibliography, it was clear the recommendation of an early school education about the usage of nuclear energy, more specifically, food irradiation. Such a recommendation is due to the fact that the consulted costumers, in Brazil and other countries mentioned in this work, do not clearly understand the full benefits of irradiated food. Hence, education is fundamental for the acceptance of new technologies by consumers, as it is the case with irradiated food.


Irradiação de alimentos, aceitabilidade, principal causa

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DOI: 10.3895/rebrapa.v7n3.3740


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