Validation of methods for determination of sediments in roasted and ground coffee

Julio Cesar Freitas Santos, Lumena Cunha Mendes, Jessica Almeida Correa, Juarez Fabiano Alkmim Filho, Danilo Vicente Reis da Silva, Leonardo Nonato de Jesus, Wagner Lutero Souza Dibai


The analysis of roast and ground coffee sediment is part of product quality control procedures. The aim of this study was to validate a methodology for determining sediment in roasted and ground coffee based on the principle of sedimentation with the use of organic solvent. A set of 30 samples of product was fortified in five increasing levels of sediments, 0.4%, 0.8%, 1.2%, 1.6% and 3% and analyzed in duplicate by two operators, totaling 120 results. In the evaluation of accuracy in repeatability and intermediate conditions dispersion index was obtained in a suitable range, below 20%, suitable for use. The accuracy and precision of the method were considered satisfactory, and the uncertainty below 15%, proving appropriateness of using the method for routine analysis in the determination of sediments in roasted and ground coffee.


café em pó, análise do café, impurezas do café, microscopia do café

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DOI: 10.3895/rebrapa.v7n2.3656


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