Achievement of Jabuticaba vinegar by spontaneous fermentation

Enio Paulo Zoche, Odacir de Figueredo, Catiussa Maiara Pazuch, Eliane Colla, Rosana Aparecida da Silva-Buzanello


Vinegar is a very popular food used as a condiment and preservative, however, manufacturers have produced vinegar from raw materials of low quality and without economic value, not being given importance to this product. As jabuticaba presents considerable amounts of soluble solids, vitamin C and phenolic compounds, it’s use in the production of vinegar would be an alternative, resulting in a product with higher added value. The aim of this study was to produce vinegar from jabuticaba by spontaneous fermentation changing evaluating the fermentation conditions: concentration of sugar and ratio water/jabuticaba, their influence on fermented. Product fermentations were monitored by determination of pH, acidity, total soluble solids (TSS) and reducing sugars in glucose. After stabilization of TSS the ethanol content was determined. The ethanol content obtained ranged from 2.1 to 10.7%. The addition of sugar had a positive effect on ethanol production and the increase of ratio water/jabuticaba had negative effect, both significant (p < 0.05). Assays with higher ethanol concentrations (7.8 and 10.7%) resulted in products with lower acidity. Nevertheless, the central points (5.2, 5.7% ethanol) presented higher levels of acidity (~ 3% acetic acid), suggesting a possible inhibition of acetic bacteria naturally present in the must, at concentrations of ethanol above 5%.


Acetic fermented; Alcoohlic Fermented; Fruit Vinegar.

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DOI: 10.14685/rebrapa.v6i2.3462


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Direitos autorais 2015

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