Comparative Study of Hypocholesterolemic Potential of Ananas Comosus Peels and Passiflora Edulis Mesocarp in Rats and Mice

Ana Paula Ostrowski, Lívia Bracht, Ana Carla Broetto-Biazon, Diego Castro Musial, Mariana Ostrowski


Researchers showed the importance of diets on the prevention of cardiovascular disease. As the passion fruit mesocarp and the peel of pineapple are rich in fibers, this work aimed was to evaluate their influence on lipid metabolism in hypercholesterolemic rats and mice. The rats and mice were divided into five groups, being control group that received normocaloric diet, high calorie diet group, high calorie diet group treated with passion fruit mesocarp (DHM), high calorie diet group treated with pineapple peels (DHA), and high calorie diet group treated with simvastatin (DHS). In rats, there was a significant reduction in total cholesterol levels in DHM, DHA and DHS groups, and in mice, only the group treated with simvastatin (DHS) reduced the plasma cholesterol levels. Front of results found, it is possible to say that the influence of the peels of pineapple and passion fruit mesocarp in rats and mice is different.


DOI: 10.14685/rebrapa.v6i1.205



: hypercholesterolemia; Passiflora edulis; Ananas comosus; cholesterol; fibers.

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DOI: 10.14685/rebrapa.v6i1.205


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