Research on the use and creation of paradidactic books for teaching statistics in elementary school in Brazil

Ailton Paulo de Paulo de Oliveira Júnior, Luzia Roseli da Silva Santos


The objective of this work was to systematically analyze the literature in Brazil, through scientific articles, books or book chapters, monographs and dissertations, and stricto sensu graduate theses, who used or created paradidactic books for teaching statistics in elementary school. The databases searched were: the Brazilian Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations (BDTD), Theses and Dissertations Catalog of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) and Academic Google, based on the keyword system, Book Didactics as a first option (E) Statistics (E) Elementary School (E) Education. Thirteen studies were considered as results, in the period from 2002 to 2021, and the IRaMuTeQ software was used for the multidimensional analysis from the organization in texts (corpus), each one being defined as “text segment”. Each text was prepared considering what was emphasized in the research, the methodology or methodological approach used, the context in which it was developed, and the types of study and areas involved and the main results and conclusions. In addition, data analysis was organized, based on the identification for each of the texts, of the following variables of interest: type of publication (pubType); year of publication of the text (yearPub); target audience for the work (publicTeaching); and the Brazilian region where the work was carried out (PubRegion). The research is aimed at students and teachers in the early and late years of elementary school and developed in graduate programs and their respective research groups. We emphasize that research on the use and creation of textbooks for teaching statistics in elementary school is still incipient, highlighting the need for more research, but it can be seen that there is the development of new research at the PhD level. In addition, a trend is indicated in the relationships with experiential knowledge and with everyday life, contributing to the formation of citizens aware of the development of statistics.


Paradidactic Book; Teaching statistics; Systematic Review of Literature.

Texto completo:


DOI: 10.3895/actio.v7n3.15473


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Direitos autorais 2022 ACTIO: Docência em Ciências

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Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação


ACTIO : docência em ciências [recurso eletrônico] / Universidade Tecnológica Federal
do Paraná, Programa de Pós-graduação em Formação Científica, Educacional
e Tecnológica. – v. 1, n. 1 (Set.-Dez. 2016-). – Curitiba, Universidade
Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, 2016-
     v. : il.

    Modo de acesso: World Wide Web
    Texto em português, espanhol, inglês e francês
    Título extraído da tela de título (visualizado em 23 jun. 2021)
    ISSN: 2525-8923

         1. Ciência – Periódicos. 2. Ciência – Estudo e ensino – Periódicos. 3. Biologia
– Estudo e ensino – Periódicos. 4. Física – Estudo e ensino – Periódicos. 5. Química
– Estudo e ensino – Periódicos. 6. Matemática – Estudo e ensino – Periódicos.
I. Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná. Programa de Pós-graduação
em Formação Científica, Educacional e Tecnológica.

                                                                                                     CDD: ed. 23 -- 505

Biblioteca Central da UTFPR, Câmpus Curitiba
Bibliotecário: Adriano Lopes CRB-9/1429

ISSN: 2525-8923


Av. Sete de Setembro, 3165 - Rebouças CEP 80230-901 - Curitiba - PR - Brasil
