A pragmatic acceptance of short term policies: the case of floodings in Curitiba, Brasil

Fabio Teodoro de Souza, Clóvis Ultramari, Beatriz Hummell


This is a discussion on social vulnerability and the construction of a warning system in a broader scenario of non-fulfilled demands and increasing risks, aiming at the elaboration of public policies concerning natural disasters in urban areas. Empirical exercise takes place in the city of Curitiba, Southern Brazil. Article is based on both conceptual approaches revealing complexity of such topic as well as on risk reduction action facing natural adverse events. Case study describes a statistical procedure to identify risks and allow preparedness action taking place 24 hours before events. Urban context is that of Brazilian cities, revealing persistent spatial inequalities in the way inhabitants build, use, and transform urban compartments. Research presented can be contextualized in a scenario where adverse phenomena should deeply influence the elaboration of long term urban public policies but, according to a necessary pragmatism, also indicate emergency tailored actions. Conclusions indicate that 1. Urban management institutional framework can count on models to predict flooding impacts and reduce human and economic losses, and 2. Expertise in emergency action cannot lure the need for structural changes and long-term planning actions.


Natural Hazards; Data Mining, Classification rules; City of Curitiba.

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DOI: 10.3895/rts.v14n30.5632


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