Determination of vertical deviations of guide rails with different surveying techniques
Due to the diverse application areas of dimensional metrology and the demand for surveys where precision is guaranteed, the approach through geodetic surveying techniques is an alternative for large-scale metrology. In the Laboratory of Geodetic Instrumentation of the Federal University of Paraná, a structure was developed for calibration of vertical Invar rods and digital leveling systems, in which this structure is composed of two parallel guide rails. The vertical deviations of these guide rails can cause deviations during the calibration processes, and consequently, affect the results of the calibration procedure. Therefore, an investigative study is proposed to determine these deviations of the guide rails by different techniques and equipment. Direct leveling methods (differential leveling using digital level and optical level), indirect methods (trigonometric leveling using total station) and electronic level were used. As results, the vertical deviations of the guide rails were obtained with submillimetre precision, regardless of technique and methodology applied. The results were evaluated using the Pearson correlation coefficient, indicating that there were no statistical differences between the calculated deviations.
Texto completo:
PDF (English)DOI: 10.3895/rbgeo.v7n4.9661
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R. bras. Geom.
ISSN 2317-4285