Contributions of Brazilian universities to technological innovation: a multivariate exploratory analysis

Eron Passos Andrade, Angela Machado Rocha, Marcio Luis Ferreira Nascimento


The purpose of this work is to use a quantitative approach, based on a multivariate exploratory technique known as Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), to characterize the dynamic behavior of Brazilian public universities relevant to technological innovation in the context of the Triple Helix (TH). Data from 76 observable variables, between the years 2008 and 2015, were included in the analysis. The EFA results, based on statistical procedures that took into account official data, reduced the number of variables, revealing six (6) latent factors according to Pearson’s correlation, representing almost 99% of the data variance. This dimensionality reduction shows that internal characteristics of institutions and interactions with other TH actors (industry and government) are intrinsically intertwined and can be mapped. The interdependencies in the factors promoted the understanding that Brazilian public universities act independently and interdependently in technological innovation to foster the cooperation necessary for technological innovation. But it was also noted that the contribution of these institutions to the process of technological innovation can be more proactive and aligned with TH.


Technological Innovation; Triple Helix; Universities; Exploratory Factor Analysis.

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DOI: 10.3895/rts.v20n60.16937


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