Construction of the Estreito Hydroelectrical Dam in the state of Maranhão, northeast Brazil and the origin of a water-born disease in the Babaçulândia municipality, state of Tocantins

Katiane Pereira Braga, Deusine Cristianne Borges Aguiar Mendes, Lilyan Rosmery Luizaga de Monteiro, Priciane Cristina Correa Ribeiro, Eduardo A. Morales


Within the national development framework and following the growth projections of the different sectors demanding energy, the government of Brazil has prioritized the construction of several river dams, considering the availability of natural resources in each region. The main objective was to infer the effects of the flooding of areas due to the construction of the Estreito Hydroelectrical Dam, located in the state of Maranhão, on the health of the inhabitants of the Babaçulandia municipality in the neighboring State of Tocantins. The study is based on diarrhea notifications generated by the Basic Health Unit of the municipality. The data obtained directly from the department of the Brazilian Unified Health System (DATA/SUS),for the period 2007–2016, were analyzed by an ANOVA test. Results showed a significant increase in the number of diarrhea cases in 2012, year in which the hydroelectrical plant started its operations. The study highlights the necessity of further studies in the same population to unravel possible connections between the effects of the dam and climate characteristics in this region.


Dam; disease; metadata; public health

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DOI: 10.3895/rbpd.v11n2.14661


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